MnM’s Got a New Look
Balloons and fanfair marked the opening, as locals were treated to a table of snacks, packaged homemade cookies and beautifully displayed merchandise laid out by the talented Penne Sommers. The major difference shoppers will note is that what was formerly an over the counter shopping experience, is now self serve. Renovations had been taking place for a year and a half and now villagers can walk the aisles to get inspired by the merchandise.
Beautiful signage, printed in country by McNab, makes finding what you’re looking for easy and an engaged and knowledgeable staff will be there if more assistance is needed. Most of the staff has been with M&M for over a decade and they’ve been training with Mandy Marshall twice a week to take their customer engagement to the next level in preparation for this re-opening.
Home hardware is still the Duncker’s core business, but they saw a need for good quality build and home products that people have been heading to Belize City for. Eager to meet Placencia’s needs, M&M will still carry all the nuts and bolts they always have, but now shoppers will benefit from an upgraded caliber and an expanded portfolio of accessories as well. Home decor, Kitchen appliances, a hotel & restaurant line of goods is now available. Whether you’re looking to have that perfect color of Sissons paint mixed or to buy biodegradable disposables, check out the new and improved M&M Hardware.